Macrolide antibiotic Azithromycin - properties, features, scope of application
Antimicrobial drugs of the macrolide group have been widely used in clinical practice for more than half a century and have proved to be highly effective and safe antibiotics with a minimum number of contraindications to their appointment. The basis of the chemical structure of macrolides is a macrocyclic lactone ring with 1, 2 or 3 side hydrocarbon chains. Depending on the number of carbon atoms that make up the ring, all macrolides are divided into 14 -, 15– and 16–member, and by origin – natural, semi-synthetic and prodrug.
The first of the macrolides used in clinical practice was erythromycin A, obtained in 1952 from the soil fungus Streptomyces erythreus. Further improvement of macrolides was carried out by changing the size of the macrolactone ring and side chains in order to obtain new drugs with higher acid resistance, bioavailability, and minimal motilin-like action. This process was accompanied by the expansion of the spectrum of activity of antibiotics created in vitro.
What is Azithromycin?
The increase in the resistance of a number of pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes) to macrolides observed in the last decade served as an impulse for the search for new chemical compounds, as a result of which ketolides (telithromycin) were synthesized on the basis of the 14–member macrolactone ring.
The emergence of antibiotics in the twentieth century led to a significant reduction in the severity and lethality of bacterial infections. However, in recent years, the growth of resistance of infectious agents to antibiotics has become an urgent health problem. One of the reasons for the growth of microbial resistance is the misuse of antibiotics. An example of irrational use of antibiotics is their use in viral infections, incorrect dosage or duration of Zithromax online treatment, the use of broad-spectrum drugs with the possibility of prescribing narrow-spectrum drugs, low patient compliance. Compliance is the patient's desire to follow the doctor's prescriptions strictly. Manifestations of low compliance can be a pass or unreasonable termination of reception of drugs, which is particularly frequently observed when using prolonged courses of treatment, the occurrence of complications or side effects associated with taking the drug. All these reasons lead to a decrease in the dose of the drug, and therefore, its concentration in the blood, which creates favorable conditions for the selection of resistance in the microbial population. The development of new antibiotics to increase compliance can significantly reduce the likelihood of resistance.
Azithromycin belongs to a group of macrolides, subclass azalides, which are considered relatively safe. It has a wide range of actions, destroying both out-and intracellular parasites and affordable Zithromax price.
- diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, tracheitis);
- pneumonia and bronchitis;
- otitis;
- urogenital infections (cystitis, prostatitis, adnexitis, urethritis);
- dermatological inflammatory diseases (erysipelas, dermatoses, acne).
As an additional antibacterial drug, Zithromax without prescription is used to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori.
Can the drug be used during pregnancy?

Zithromax / Azithromycin can be taken during pregnancy, but only in case of emergency and with the permission of a doctor.
The antibiotic still penetrates the placental barrier in a negligible amount. That is, it can affect the fetus.
However, no clinical trials have ever been conducted for moral and ethical reasons with the participation of pregnant women volunteers.
Therefore, cheap Zithromax is prescribed during pregnancy, but only when it is impossible to do without antibacterial treatment. Doctors try to do everything possible in order not to prescribe the drug for the first trimester.
Is Zithromax compatible with alcohol?
Based on the general principle of interaction of antibacterial drugs and alcohol, we can say that such a combination is undesirable for two main reasons.
Alcohol has a negative effect on the liver. The antibiotic also puts a strain on this organ. Therefore, their simultaneous impact can be detrimental.
Alcohol impairs the absorption of various drugs, including antibiotics. That's why the efficiency of the therapy may be reduced in the background of alcohol consumption.
In addition, Zithromax pills are taken during acute infection. Taking alcohol in case acute inflammatory disease, you subject your body to an additional load and put not only the liver but the heart under attack.
Therefore, it is not necessary to buy Zithromax and alcohol. However, there is no clear prohibition of such a combination in view of its deadly danger.
Wide range of Zithromax / Azithromycin action
Infections caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, aerobic and anaerobic – these are the indications of Azithromycin.
Zithromax is active against:
- streptococci and staphylococci (these bacteria most often cause angina, sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract);
- chlamydia and Mycoplasma;
- legionella;
- toxoplasma;
- clostridium;
- Haemophilus influenzae;
- borrelia.
Despite 15 years of experience, Azithromycin continues to remain a unique drug for a number of infectious diseases.
First of all, generic Azithromycin is an essential component of therapy in respiratory and urogenital infections. Unique pharmacokinetic parameters and low Zythromax cost allowed reducing the duration of treatment first to a few days, and then to single dosing of Azithromycin, in particular with exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, acute otitis media, sinusitis, urogenital chlamydia.