Features of replacement therapy with Levothyroxine for thyroid dysfunction
Hypothyroidism occurs in 19 women out of 1000 and in 1 man out of 1000. This is an endocrine disease in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones - thyroxine, and triiodothyronine - and this leads to a slowdown in metabolism. Excess weight and hypothyroidism are closely related. It happens that a woman tried all methods of losing weight, but the weight remains the same. This fact may indicate thyroid disease.
Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) is a clinical syndrome caused by an increase in the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland and characterized by excessive production of thyroid hormones - T3 and T4. Hyperthyroidism is characterized by a change in metabolism and acceleration of basic metabolism, for example, weight loss with increased appetite. At the initial stage of the disease, the appearance can change for the better, the woman is losing weight, and her skin is oily. If you notice such signs but don't do anything on purpose, do not rush to rejoice. This occasion will turn to the endocrinologist.
Is it true that all the problems are from a lack of iodine?
Malfunctions of the thyroid gland are associated with its direct responsibility - the production of thyroxin: in case of violations; it is produced either too little or more than normal. There are many factors that affect dysfunction, and sometimes it's hard to say exactly what is to blame. More often, problems arise due to genetic predisposition and iodine deficiency. Iodine is needed: its atoms make up the hormone thyroxine. Researchers in Australia estimate that approximately every third person on the planet lives with a lack of iodine in the body. At a rate of 150 micrograms of substance per day (250 micrograms during pregnancy and 290 during lactation) in some regions, iodine intake is reduced to 50, and sometimes even to 25 micrograms per day.
Thyroid abnormalities may not manifest themselves. It depends on a number of circumstances, so heredity and iodine deficiency are not always a cause for concern. Even if the parents had a thyroid disorder, this does not mean that children will undoubtedly expect the same thing, although, of course, the risks are higher than in people without a predisposition.
What does thyroid disease threaten?
When there is too little T4 in the body, hypothyroidism develops. Then the metabolism slows down, excess fluid and decay products are worse excreted, a person gains weight. There are many reasons for its occurrence, and iodine deficiency may be one of them. Another reason for hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroiditis: in this case, immunity takes the thyroid gland for a dangerous foreign body and begins to destroy it. Cells become fewer, and thyroxine levels decrease. Thyroiditis can develop at any age, but it is more common in women after 45 years, although men and children are also not immune to the disease.
If the level of thyroxine rises, hyperthyroidism occurs (it is also called thyrotoxicosis). An excess of the hormone poisons the body; metabolic processes are disconnected, cells cannot retain energy, and body weight decreases. The cause for hyperthyroidism can be Graves disease. This autoimmune disease causes the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine in larger quantities than necessary. Sometimes it happens that the body stops working against itself, the T4 level drops to normal, and the person recovers, but the probability of such an outcome is only 30%. The victims of hyperthyroidism are also mostly women: they are sick 10 times more often than men. You can face the disorder at any age, but, as a rule, it is diagnosed at the age of 20–40.
Levothyroxine replacement therapy
The "gold standard" of substitution therapy for hypothyroidism is levothyroxine. The thyroid gland practically does not perform other functions than the secretory one. Thyroid hormone synthesis is not associated with circadian rhythm. Therefore, a single daily dose of Synthroid / Levothyroxine in a dose supplementing the hormone deficiency allows you to maintain normal thyroid function.
Preparations of generic Synthroid appeared back in the 50s — last century. There are a sufficient number of studies confirming that levothyroxine is the best available treatment for hypothyroidism. Nevertheless, new studies of the effectiveness of substitution therapy with levothyroxine appear, expanding the possibilities of its use.
Currently, we can say with confidence that the indication for the use of Synthroid online is not only hypothyroidism of various origins (including during pregnancy, lactation, and also when planning pregnancy), but also mixed goiter. To buy Synthroid is needed as part of the complex therapy of diffuse toxic goiter (after reaching the euthyroid state), euthyroid hyperplasia of the thyroid gland, for the prevention of relapse after surgical treatment of nodular and malignant neoplasms of the thyroid gland, with cretinism. Synthroid without prescription is also recommended when conducting a thyroid suppression test.
Synthroid dosage and regimen

The half-life of levothyroxine is quite long - 6–7 days. About 15% is excreted by the kidneys and with bile (unchanged and in the form of conjugates). The oral bioavailability of the drug is quite high. After taking low price Synthroid from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), 48 to 79% of the drug is absorbed. Fasting increases the absorption of the active substance. The maximum plasma concentration is reached after about 6 hours. Binding to plasma proteins (thyroxin-binding globulin, prealbumin, and albumin) is 99%.
The replacement dose of cheap Synthroid for primary hypothyroidism in adults is determined at the rate of 1.6 g / kg of patient body weight. With age, the need for the drug sometimes decreases, while the dose of levothyroxine can reduce to 1 g / kg. In patients with overweight, dose calculation is carried out per 1 kg of ideal body weight. Previously, most researchers recommended bringing the dose to a complete replacement gradually over a period of 2–4 weeks, while starting the dose should be started with 50 g of the drug, increasing the dose by 25 g. However, recent evidence suggests that Synthroid cost is available and it is safe to start treatment with a full replacement dose in patients without cardiovascular disease and under the age of 50 years. In the presence of cardiovascular diseases, the initial dose should be 12.5-25 micrograms, and then gradually increase.
If hypothyroidism is first detected during pregnancy, Synthroid pills are prescribed in a complete replacement dose. It should be borne in mind that during pregnancy, the need for levothyroxine increases significantly, and the total replacement dose will be about 2.3 g / kg.
Prevention of thyroid disease
We, of course, are not able to control the thyroid gland. But - it is worth taking all necessary actions to minimize violations of its functions. Quitting smoking, regular preventive examinations by the endocrinologist, eating iodine-rich foods (seaweed, seafood, iodized salt) and observing the daily routine will reduce the likelihood that you will ever have to see a doctor with thyroid problems.